Meanwhile goole not only a search engine. Goole offers much more services than just the goole search engine. Also, the search engine itself offers a variety of search options. You can use the normal search of goole . use Or search goole for messages, for pictures and find videos or maps. In goole many other options are possible. Goole is the best known and probably the best search engine on the Internet. It is estimated that approximately 70% are of queries on goole.
If the search engine does not goole know yet, then you should test it anyway.
Looking for pictures? Then click on the goole page to images. Now you can use the goole image search. If you are looking for videos, then click in goole easy to videos.
If you want to search in goole for messages, then go to the home page of goole and then left click on top of news.
Then enter the search query and goole the latest news found on your search.
goole an incorrect frequent spelling is google the search engine.